Sunday, December 7, 2008

Mindfulness Meditation For Healthy Blood Circulation

The following article is a mindfulness meditation I practice from time to time when I want to give a "conscious boost" to increase the health of my blood flow, blood chemistry, and improve my overall circulatory system function for optimum health.

As a two time open-heart patient survivor at age 39, I am obligated to monitor the health of my blood both as prescribed by my cardiologist to maintain my blood's Protime ratio (thin relative to thickness of my blood) to prevent blood clots, and also as part of my conscious intention practice to harness the self healing power of the mind/body connection that we all have access to, and are personally responsible for optimizing.

For this meditation you will need a few ingredients...

1) At least 5 minutes
2) A quiet peaceful place to meditate
3) Sunshine
4) Fresh air without congestion
5) Conscious intention
6) An open mind

Begin by finding a quiet place where you will be exposed to a moderate dose of sunlight. This could be your backyard, in the court yard of your office building, or if you live in the inner city... a park close to your home.

Next sit in a comfortable position facing the sun so that you can feel the sunlight warming your face.

You may be aware of times when you've laid on the beach or caught a few rays on your break how when your eyes are closed, you can still see a soft reddish glow shining through your eye lids as your eyes are still "seeing", but are actually seeing the sunlight shining through your eyelids.

To begin, stare briefly into the sun and then close your eyes. You will see a bright dot of light that has been impressed upon your inner mind, which is actually the reflection of the sun like when you look at a bright light bulb that creates an impression of light in your mind, when you close your eyes.

Focus on this dot of light as it fades away to center your brow chakra for the purpose of this meditation (conscious intention.)

At this point of concentration, we are going to focus on your blood's circulation that is literally being illuminated through the sunshine shining through your eyelids.

As human beings, our bodies are designed to absorb nutrients from the sun. I won't go into the biochemical process that occurs here, because as long as we know that we're absorbing healthy nutrients like vitamin D from the sun... that's really all we need to know to practice this mindfulness meditation.

As you are observing the reddish glow appearing through the back of your eyelids, focus on the specs of shadows and light that appear to look like blood cells flowing through your eyelids.

Actually, the shapes, forms, mind art, and vein like streams are literally the refraction of light caused by the blood flow that is literally flowing through your eyelids, as the sun shines through them.

Eventually, the blood cells that are flowing through your eyelids, will arrive at your heart, your legs, and your brain as your blood flow circulates throughout your entire body and recycles itself 3 times every minute.

When you observe the blood flowing through your eyelids being illuminated by the sun, you will eventually notice how the shapes that seem random, are random yet are flowing in a certain direction as the blood follows the natural blood stream of the veins and capillaries that are under the surface of your eyelids.

During this mindfulness meditation, focus your intention on the blood that is constantly flowing through your eyelids, and travels to every other part of your body.

All the while the blood vessels that pass through your eyelids are transmutating sunlight and delivering it to every other part of your body through your circulatory system.

While practicing this mindfulness meditation, focus intention into each blood cell that passes over your eyes, and speak to it reciting healthy affirmations like; "as each blood cell passes through my eyelids, it absorbs all the healthy nutrients from the sun that my body needs, and is restoring my blood chemistry to perfect health. My red and white blood cell count is at it's healthiest. My cholesterol level is optimum. My blood renews and regenerates itself delivering essential nutrients to every part of my body carrying with it the light of the sun!"

Yes, it's true! And it's also true that our skin absorbs the rays from the sun to soak up vital nutrients as well. Your blood actually absorbs light from the sun as the nutrients we absorb from the sun are transformed and delivered to our bodies, as our body converts light energy into the actual nutritional resources we need to function at our optimum health.

Practice this easy Healthy Blood Mindfulness Meditation for 5-20 minutes at least once per week, and not only will you feel more alive and rejuvenated as you increase the communication through conscious intention between your conscious mind and the cells of your body, you will most likely appear healthier as your skin beams with a healthy glow.

If you live in hotter climates like the Sonoran desert like I do in Tucson, AZ, be sure to limit your exposure to the sun so that it doesn't exceed healthy levels. We all need a certain amount of sun light to both receive nutrients from the sun and to well... just feel alive and enjoy the sun shine on our face, but over exposure to the sun can have adverse effects as well. Live well!

To assist you in quieting your mind for this mindfulness meditation, you can download a free guided meditation music sample you can load into your mp3 player to take with you when you find a peaceful place to do this mindfulness meditation. Simply go to to download a 5 minute "Twilight Wind" free meditation music mp3 and loop it in your mp3 player for the duration of time you choose to do the meditation.

Featured at the core of this 5 minute "Twilight Wind" sample, is an audio technology called Parallax(TM) Audio Neurotechnology that is designed to relax you very deep, and does wonders to eliminate your daily stress, worry, and anxiety. Parallax™ will literally synchronize the left and right hemispheres of your brain influencing what neuroscientists call "brain synchrony", and "hemispheric synchronization". It's time to heal and let go of the stresses of the world!

Lewi Glenis is a two-time open heart patient survivor who had to find a way to eliminate stress from his life, and to heal deep heart based energies. Lewi is a certified hypnotherapist, neuro-linguistics practitioner, and music therapist practicing and living in Tucson, AZ USA. Lewi is also the founder and creator of, the "Shinka" - Guided Meditation System, and pioneer of Parallax™ Audio Neurotechnology... an advanced form of binaural beats audio technology designed to guide the listener's brain waves into the deeper meditation and relaxation resource states of the human mind.

Lewi Glenis - EzineArticles Expert Author

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